Farewell…it’s been a Blast!

This is my last post here at WordPress…it has been a great journey for me but it has come to an end. I’m proud of my work on here, but I’m also proud of the website that I created for Digestive Disorder awareness and honestly, it’s hard (for me) to manage both 🙂
I hope that you visit me sometime at http://www.mycrazycolon.com

I’ll be there tucked away in Kat’s corner!

Thank you for your support…
I truly appreciate it!

Take Care and Happy Blogging!


A Plumber’s Burger Booty

I haven’t been on WordPress for a bit….but had to post this….
I won’t name the restaurant
But doesn’t this burger look like a butt?

And I wasn’t even on Ambien

It’s a Plumber’s Burger Booty


WTH was I Thinkin as a Kid?

Yesterday while at the dollar store, I saw these colorful wax candy bottles filled with sweet liquid and immediately smiled, remembering them from my childhood. I almost knocked a small child down as I giddily ran out of the store to my truck (don’t worry, he was fine, although he did tear up a bit.) As I sat in my seat, eagerly tearing the plastic wrap off my nostalgic goodies, I remembered how much my sister and I loved them. I closed my eyes and bit down.
Those lil things were so nasty. The bad thing is I felt like I needed to eat all 10 of them because maybe the orange one would taste better than the yellow one or the green one or the blue one? No. Still nasty.

Yesterday, I realized some things don’t need to be re-visited and it’s okay to keep good memories just where they are…
In the past.

My Confession

PicCollage-6Today, I mentally went to my “special” place (in my mind) when my son started talking about the new safe house that he built in Minecraft. For 45 minutes, I heard about zombies, secret passageways, storage chests and some poor cows that fell over and turned into leather. I tried to look interested, I really did and even interjected an “Oh, my goodness, really?” every couple of minutes. I truly thought this game would lose its appeal after a couple of weeks but…it seems to be hanging on…tight.

The Fall of Chewing Gum

Dear Major Chewing Gum Makers,

In my Gum

Not EVERYONE likes artificial sweeteners in their gum. I know this for a fact because I really had to pee today while at the grocery store…but I held it (barely, cuz ya’ll know I got Incontinence) because I was listening to a woman who talked to me for 15 minutes about the Fall of Chewing Gum. I totally agreed with her.
It seems like a lot of gum has *stuff* in it. I looked at about 20 packs today and saw ingredients that my body just doesn’t like 😦 Sometimes, you don’t have to change things. Just keep Big Red…Big Red! Oh, and trust me, I don’t need another new flavor. Pink flavor is good enough for me even if it only lasts for 6 seconds. If I want to taste deep dish apple pie a la mode….I would eat a piece of deep dish apple pie a la mode. Just give me a choice between real sugar and fake sugar…that’s all. Thank you.

Me & the random lady in the grocery store

Why do I keep making these dayum movies?

And I’m gonna tell you…

When I got sick back in 2008 (see my About Me page :))  I thought I could manage it.  I truly did.  I shrugged it off, No big deal.  I would continue to eat.  Run.  Be normal.  Then…
I couldn’t deal with things.
A glass of wine became two…then three…
Silence was a day…then a week
Fullness needed cutting

I needed help. I needed to talk. I needed to let it all out…and I did. I humbled myself. I let myself heal. Today, I take one day at time….Today, I write. Today, I laugh…Today, I am back to…ME 🙂

So, today, instead of a drink or quietness or a cut…I make funny Buddy movies…and, that’s pretty okay by me 🙂 Please check out Buddy’s Page

And now…enjoy (cuz I do :))the next Buddy installment… (hopefully fix, and I made all this fuss)

The Meeting

Buddy’s Date

My newest “movie” starring Buddy

I am having SOOOOOO much fun!

Enjoy! 🙂

And click below to see his FIRST movie

The Picker

I looked at her
She looked back at me
Her eyes
Like a sharp knife
Wanting to slice me
She wanted to cut me
So Deep
So that I would peer down
At my bleeding & gaping flesh
And gasp-
To look away
From her…
But I didn’t
I stared you down
Like a dirty cowboy
With my boots in the dust
And tumbleweeds blowing in the wind
I saw you
Little girl
Pick your nose
And then eat your booger
